What happens when toxins, bacteria, food particles, and digestive waste leak out of our intestines and into our blood? This condition is often called Leaky Gut and it can lead to inflammatory immune responses, digestive disorders, and other abnormal changes to the gastrointestinal tract. What causes Leaky GutRead More >
Preventing Back Pain
Walking upright on two feet has advantages, but it also puts intense pressure on the spine, as well as on other muscles and bones. Add to this improper sitting, lifting, or reaching—and the normal wear and tear of working and playing—and you have the perfect recipe for backRead More >
Benefits of Maintenance Care
Have you heard that if you start going to a chiropractor you’ll have to continue for the rest of your life? One common misconception of chiropractic is that you’ll need to come forever. We hear this often in our practice as new patients come in and share theirRead More >
Benefits of Kinesio Tape
What is Kinesiology tape? Kinesiology tape is a unique type of therapeutic tape with a wide variety of uses. You may have seen it on television while watching the Olympics or professional sports, as many athletes trust it to help them manage injuries or improve their performance. ItRead More >
Workplace Ergonomics
Did you know that most common problems we treat in chiropractic practice stem not from a traumatic injury, but from tiny stresses accumulated on the body over time? The postures and positions that we adopt over the majority of our day, and the repetitive motions required by ourRead More >
FAQ about Chiropractic and Children
Last week, I was adjusting one of our pediatric patients and her mother was telling me how helpful chiropractic has been for her daughter since birth. She expressed concern that many people do not realize how beneficial chiropractic care can be for babies and children. We frequently hearRead More >
A Letter to Parents about Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy
Dear expectant and new mothers, There’s more than one approach to taking care of yourself and your baby. We’d love to tell you a little bit more about our approach, so you can decide if you’d like to give it a try. Many pregnant women are taking advantageRead More >
Chiropractic and Massage Therapy FAQ
How are chiropractic and massage therapy similar? The fields of chiropractic and massage therapy share a lot in common both in philosophy and in practice. Both are natural, hands-on therapies that work to promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Both fall under the category of “conservative care,”Read More >
What is Structural Integration?
Structural Integration is a type of bodywork that focuses on the connective tissue, or fascia, of the body. Fascia surrounds muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, organs, and nerves, binding some structures together while permitting others to slide smoothly over each other. Fascia is designed to be elasticRead More >
Chiropractic Helps Migraines
Seventy-two per cent of migraine sufferers in a clinical trial experienced either ‘substantial’ or ‘noticeable’ improvement after a period of chiropractic treatment, defying historical skepticism of chiropractics by some medical practitioners. The randomized clinical trial was undertaken by Dr Peter Tuchin, a chiropractor for the past 20 years,Read More >